Mayor Pro-tem
Biscoe ABC Board Representative
Biscoe PTRC Board Representative
My name is Kay Cagle-Kinch. I graduated from East Montgomery High School. I received my Bachelor of Arts in Political Science at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and my teaching certification at North Carolina A & T State University.
I am a retired educator with the Montgomery County School System. I have a son Chadwick Kinch and five grandchildren Jailyn, Kailyn, Chad III, Shayla, and Julian. I was born and raised in Biscoe and I desire to improve the life of the citizens with better housing, economic expansion, and recreational opportunities.
I love the fact that Biscoe is a small community where people know each other and want the best for their town. In the next four years the hope is that we will see economic growth and opportunity in Biscoe as well as better housing.