Town of Biscoe


zoning permits are valid for one year


All Building Inspections, Permits, etc. are all handled by the Montgomery County Inspections Department. Please follow this link to the Montgomery County Inspections Page for additional information.

Zoning Ordinances Newly Adopted

Please click the following link to read the code of ordinances.

Biscoe Planning Board Members

Board meetings are held the 3rd Monday of each month at 5 PM
NEW Zoning Map Adopted May 10, 2021
Click on image to enlarge
Historical Zoning Maps
Click on image to enlarge
Please follow this link to the

Powell Bill

The Powell Bill is codified in N.C.G.S. 136-41.1 through N.C.G.S. 136-41.4
N.C.G.S. 136-41.3 provides, in part: “the funds allocated to cities and towns under the provisions of G.S. 136-41.2 shall be expended by said cities and towns primarily for resurfacing of streets within the corporate limits of the municipality but may be used for the purposes of maintaining, repairing, constructing, reconstructing or widening of anystreet or public thoroughfare including bridges, drainage, curb and gutter, and other
necessary appurtenances within the corporate limits of the municipality or for meeting the municipality’s proportionate share of assessments levied for such purposes, or for the planning, construction and maintenance of bikeways, greenways or sidewalks.”
To learn more about the Powell BIll, click here

Alliance Code Enforcement Company (336) 607-5169